WORLD: Muslim in France

Tensions as Paris suburb tries to stop Muslim street prayers

Tensions have erupted as residents and the mayor of a Paris suburb try to block Muslims from praying in the street, in a dispute that reflects nationwide problems with mosque shortages.

Police formed a human barricade between a few dozen Muslim residents trying to pray Friday in the streets of Clichy-la-Garenne and more than 100 demonstrators trying to stop them.
As the Muslims chanted "Allahu akbar," or "God is great" in Arabic, the demonstrators sang the Marseillaise.
Mayor Remi Muzueau led demonstrators to the site where Muslims have been praying for months. Those praying tried to set up on a side street instead, but police pushed them back, prompting minor skirmishes.
No one has been hurt, but both sides appear to be digging in their heels in the dispute.
